Take Action!
Brookline by Design represents a broad coalition of Brookline residents who understand that growth is inevitable, and who realize it needs to be planned – achieved in a thoughtful, deliberate and inclusive way – with all stakeholders in Brookline having a say.
To ensure Brookline is not misled into permitting un-planned, un-analyzed and poorly regulated development, every concerned citizen urgently needs to take action! Here are some ways you can help:
Run for Town Meeting
Development in Brookline is already vigorous, and further encouraged by advocacy groups who recruit and support Town Meeting Members (TMMs) to promote a single-minded, state-level policy agenda. This scheme equates “more and more” unrestrained housing growth with “affordability,” “sustainability” and even “racial equity.” (For more on these positions, see our “FAQs”).
To counter that illogical thinking, every election in Brookline and every vote at Town Meeting (Brookline’s legislative body) is critical.
Brookline needs thoughtful citizen representation from all Precincts at Town Meeting – level-headed, independent thinkers who are concerned about everything that’s happening in Brookline, who care about good governance, and who want everyone in Brookline to enjoy the benefits of a truly sustainable, community-planned future.
The cutoff for this election cycle is March 19, 2024, when Nomination forms must be submitted to the Town Clerk. (If there’s still time and you want to run for Town Meeting – or know someone who does – please contact us immediately by email or phone!)
Help Support BBD
As “Your Voice for Planned Growth,” Brookline by Design advocates for inclusive community participation in a thoughtful urban planning process to achieve shared goals around affordability, sustainability, green space and livability.
But we can’t do it alone.
If you agree with the importance of planning in a way that’s methodical, sustainable, affordable and realistic, then we encourage you to join with us:
Become involved. Learn more. Add your name to our growing list of supporters working to secure a realistic and sustainable future. And elect representatives who share your vision and goals.