Brookline by Design represents a broad-spectrum coalition of Brookline residents who understand that growth is inevitable, but it needs to be accomplished in a thoughtful, deliberate and inclusive way – with all stakeholders in Brookline having a say in that planning.
BBD TMM Endorsements
We’re actively looking for candidates to run for Town Meeting -- level-headed, independent thinkers who are concerned about everything that’s happening in Brookline, who care about good governance, and who want Brookline to enjoy a deliberately planned, realistic and truly sustainable future.
If you’re interested in running for Town Meeting and want to learn more -- or know someone who would be – please contact us by Email or Telephone.
Click below to fill out the BBD TMM Endorsement Application.
Donate to Brookline By Design
Unlike other advocacy groups who recruit and support TMMs who are trying to push a single-minded State-level policy agenda, we look to support actively engaged community members who are pledged to take a measured approach aligned with what is best for the Town as a whole.
We must continue to advocate for thoughtful and planned growth, informed decision-making, authentic community engagement and long-term sustainability.
With your help, we can support Town Meeting members who will help us maintain and implement our goals.
Please consider making a donation to Brookline by Design today.